My constricted solicitude.
Why should life be arcane to us? Why is it that one should be punished for wrongs one never did? Life for me is unfair and mystical. Like a fairy tale i have to believe that tomorrow holds hope for me. To nature i must obey every laws that hold me to the ground. To all the laws i must submit my desires and whatever my heart yearns for. My lusts and longings are at the mercy of the dark nature of this dark wild world. In my heart i yearn to give out love but my deeds are dark and an abomination. My heart lusts for me to see my family get together but all i see is division and hatred. My heart longs for a long hug from my fiancée but all i get is fierce looks and hate. My heart hanker to see my friends prosper but all i see in my heart is darkness that can't be explained. Apart from all that still, my heart languish for laughter that can't be explained eit...