Tell 'em.

My friend when you reach to heaven, tell the angels am on my way.            
Tell them that am not out of reach but i have to preach.
Give them my letter and remind them that i will be there when my time comes.
Ask them if they can speed up my passage to heaven.        
Tell them i am living in a bliss life knowing you are in enchantment.
Tell them i won't delete your chat so that i can cry every day when i read them.
Tell them how we fought with my fiancée when she found out that in my gallery all photos were yours and not hers.
Tell them am on my way and that they shouldn't be trepidation up there.
Tell the angels that i am in Los Angeles taking the flight home.
Tell them to write a song for our friendship that they will sing when i arrive.
Tell them that i did not say goodbye because we will be together again.


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