That boy in the pit.

I thought i knew who i was till i met a boy in the garbage pit.
The scruffy boy scuffled around with litters searching for what seemed to be his only luck to a glorious life.
When the boy saw me, he kindly asked me for twenty bob coin for something he could eat.Me on the other hand was broke like a broken record, in my pocket was thirty shillings of which it was my fare back to the house.I told the boy the amout i had and told him it was my bus fare to the house.What he told me made me think twice, the boy told me that he understoods me and that he will get food in the garbage pits.
My eyes became wet and my hands reached to the pocket and i gave the boy the only cash i had. I had to walk for seven kilometers with alot of thoughts and questions in my drunk mind. Was i worthy of being on bus seated comfortably while a boy eats from rubbish pits?How would he feel if he offered me something from the rubbish and i refuse saying that is bad to eat from rubbish? Why did he not insist on that money i had but instead said he understood? Did he see sincerity in my eyes or was he an angel amongst men? Why did God allow such a division such that others live a miserable life yet others melt in fear guarding their wealth? Such where the few in many questions that were running in my mind. That boy made realise that I didn't know what or who i was. He made me realise that i was just a walking empty body with no vision. He made me create a plan of living. A plan to help my fellow street brothers. A plan to decisively plan a better future for such souls.


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